Mental Health & Disordered Eating in Performance Sport
Level 3
Marathon Sports offers a range of online learning courses for the active learning and leisure sector. Our courses are aimed at elite athletes as well as those sports minded individuals who take their sport seriously and are looking to meet their potential. Devised by sports specialists.
You do not need to hold any specific qualifications to access our courses; however you do need
to be 16 years of age to register for the qualifications.

Mental Health in Sport
Level 3
Duration: 15 hours
Cost £85.00
Welcome to the module on mental health and disordered eating. The programme includes a module on these subjects because poor mental health and disordered eating doesn’t just harm your performance as an athlete. It is incredibly harmful to your quality of life, both mentally and physically. Having worked in sport for many years what we have learnt is that, even more important than you being a great athlete, is that you are a happy person who feels able to cope with whatever life throws at you. We hope this module will help with that.
This training course has been designed with the following key areas, there are five units for you to follow. We will look at all the benefits of maintaining positive mental health as an athlete and then we will learn about depression, anxiety, addictions and disordered eating. Each unit will cover information about these different elements of mental health, some case studies about athletes who have struggled with that issue, some techniques you can learn to reduce your risk of suffering from it and lots of information on where you can go to for support or help. Each unit will finish with a set of multiple-choice questions to test how much you have picked up – so take some notes along the way on anything which seems valuable for you to remember. We really hope you learn lots about this important subject so you feel able to look out for the mental health of yourselves, and those around you.
• Fully online course and assessment - no time limits
• Designed by a Qualified Sports Psychologist
• Full audio Voice Over
• Approximate duration: 15 hour
• On completion a pdf Certificate is emailed
Aims of the Course
One in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. Gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to better understand and support people living with mental health problems, and create a positive environment that ensures they enjoy the benefits of being active and keep coming back for more.
Four modules will increase your knowledge and understanding of mental health, providing you with the practical skills and strategies to be able to:
build people’s resilience, self-esteem and confidence
adapt your sessions to make them more inclusive
enable and support mental health recovery, and
tackle stigma and discrimination.
The online assessment is taken on completion of the training material. You will be asked multiple choice questions with a pass mark of 70%. The answers are marked automatically so you will instantly know whether you have passed. You can take the test as many times as you need with no extra charge.

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